Monday 2 May 2011

The Lost Book Of Nostradamus

NOSTRADAMUS is what everybody calls him plus known for nevertheless his Birth name given to him was Michel de Nostredame. He was born in 1503 in France - He was a known for being some kind of pharmacist and a very good healer plus in around 1550 he became very intensely interested in the psychic sciences and thus that is how he began writing his almanacs. He started to be prominent these and many individuals used to get nearer to him for horoscopes and asking supernatural assistance.

Nostradamus started shortening his writing and prophecies -he feared reprisal and wrote them in quatrains; it is a 4 line poetic paragraphs in written in French. Nostradamus put together about a 1,000 and for undated quatrains into a manuscript known "The Prophecies" which he is pretty legendary even these days. NOSTRADAMUS wrote in a solemn style and his quatrains necessitate analysis. Many have found that most of for these predictions are perfect and his prophecies are extremely labeled by astrologers and in many supernatural circles.

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Nostradamus is what everybody calls him however his birth name was Michel de Nostredame. He was born in 1503 in France, known for being a pharmacist and a very good healer. Around 1550 he became very interested in the psychic sciences and this led to him writing his almanacs. He soon started to be a prominent figure in prediction through horoscopes and using supernatural means.

Nostradamus started shortening his writing and prophecies, he feared reprisal and wrote them in quatrains; a 4 line poetic paragraphs in written in his native French. Nostradamus put together about a 1,000 of these undated quatrains into a manuscript known as "The Prophecies".

Nostradamus wrote in a solemn style and his quatrains necessitate analysis.

Many have found that most of for these predictions have had unusual accuracy to historical events and his prophecies have been the subject of great study.

In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome when she stumbled upon an unusual find. It was a manuscript dating to 1629, titled: Nostradamus Vatinicia Code. Michel de Notredame, the author's name, was on the inside in indelible ink. This manuscript, never published by Nostradamus, was handed down to the prophet's son and later donated by him to Pope Urban VIII. It did not surface again until now, almost four hundred years later.

The Lost Book Of Nostradamus
The cryptic paintings vary from the strange to the bizarre, with images of popes,decapitations and strange creatures. Known as the "Vaticinia Nostradami",this book has often been considered to be Nostradamus' final prophecies regarding the end of the world as we know it.

It was said that Nostradamus had handed the book over to his son who in turn was to donate it to a cardinal at the time who later went on to become Pope Urban VIII; the book eventually ended up in the library.In both the paintings and the accompanying quatrains within, Nostradamus is said to have predicted the Nazi Blitzkrieg, the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, the burning of the oil wells of Kuwait by Iraq, and Boris Yeltsin's rise to power.

Some of the paintings reveal new prophecies, while others are either generally indecipherable or linked to earlier quatrains, but not indicated. Among the paintings are a Pope with the body of a dog, female priests, clergymen being attacked and a black-skinned pope.

Images from The Lost Book Of Nostradamus

2012 Nostradamus predictions paint a bleak picture of massive destruction and havoc brought about by a comet. It is not clear whether this comet will strike the earth or will pass very close to our planet, causing massive earthquakes and other cataclysmic occurrences. But all interpreters of his quatrains are united on the opinion that it will be a comet which will come somewhere in December 2012.

Nostradamus writes in one of his quatrains – “In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging a trail of sparks”. This line clearly suggest a comet and many are of the opinion that it will be very big in size. Certain interpreters put the size to be just a little less than the planet Jupiter, and if such a comet passes close to the earth the effect of its gravity will cause the oceans to rise and also give rise to earthquakes.

Nostradamus 2012 The Prophecies (History channel)

Another theory is that the even though the comet will pass close to the earth it might cause an asteroid to shift course and impact the earth. Such an impact will be the size of several atomic bombs and will cause massive destruction. Some predict that the superpowers of the world will send atomic missiles to break this asteroid in space, but still there will be a shower of hail and fire from its fragments.

For 2012 Nostradamus also suggest that because of the massive destruction caused by the comet there will be widespread anarchy and certain nations can take advantage and plunge the world into a third World War. One of the quatrains says – “King of terror shall come from the sky. He will bring to life the King of Mongols.” This line has been interpreted that after the coming of the comet China will gain prominence and might start attacking countries to gain supremacy.

2012 Nostradamus predictions also gives an indication of the fate of certain nations, and how long the comet will be seen in the skies. He mentions – “The Great Star will blaze for Seven days” meaning the comet will be very near the earth for seven days and nights. Further he says – “The Huge dog will howl at night, when the great pontiff will change lands”. The great dog is taken to be the United Kingdom by many interpreters, and the line suggests its destruction. The pontiff is taken to be the pope and hence Rome too will be destroyed.

Could the comet mentioned be Comet Elenin, Comet Apophis, Tyche, Planet X?

Sea levels rising twice as fast as predicted 
Sea levels are predicted to rise twice as fast as was forecast by the United Nations only two years ago, threatening hundreds of millions of people with catastrophe, scientists said yesterday in a dramatic new warning about climate change. Rapidly melting ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are likely to push up sea levels by a metre or more by 2100, swamping coastal cities and obliterating the living space of 600 million people who live in deltas, low-lying areas and small island states. 
Low-lying countries with increasing populations, such as Bangladesh, Burma and Egypt, could see large parts of their surface areas vanish. Experts in Bangladesh estimate that a one metre rise in sea levels would swamp 17 per cent of the country's land mass. Pacific islands such as Tuvalu, where 12,000 people live just a few feet above sea level, and the Maldives, would face complete obliteration.   
Even Britain could face real challenges in lower-lying areas along the east coast, from Lincolnshire to the Thames estuary, with a much greater risk of catastrophic "storm surges" such as the great flood of 1953 that killed 307 people.

Birds, Bees and Fish?
Why Are So Many Creatures Dying in 2011? 
The 2012 prophecies, is infact a period of time starting as far back as 2005. Some say it can simply be dismissed as superstition however after 100,000 fish turned up in a massive fish kill on Thursday, approximately 4,000 birds dropped dead from the sky just before midnight on New Year's Eve, and a new report declared that 96 percent of four species of bees have died off in recent years, the world's ecosystems seem more than a little fragile at the start of 2011. 
Surge Desk reviews the not-so-cheery mass die-off news about our nation's birds, bees and fish (to say nothing of recent monarch butterfly declines) and looks at the suspected causes.
 While the cause of death for roughly 4,000 red-winged blackbirds over Beebe, Ark., has so far been attributed to "blunt-force trauma," it remains something of a mystery as to what caused said trauma to occur. Leading theories over the midair deaths of so many birds include lightning strikes, a hail storm or stress from New Year's fireworks. 
For the past few years, scientists have been tracking what they term a "colony collapse" of honey bees, blaming the death of millions of bees on a range of possible causes, such as pathogens, pesticide use, fungi, stress and even cell phone radiation. Now, a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that four other bee species, including the bumble bee, are also in sharp decline. What is behind the dwindling populations? As with the honey bee decline, pathogens and "reduced genetic diversity" are believed to be to blame. 
Unlike the birds and the bees, mass die-offs of fish are not uncommon events. But the size of Thursday's fish kill in the Arkansas River is noteworthy. Testing is ongoing at the University of Arkansas to determine the exact cause of death, but researchers tell AOL News that pollution is not believed to be involved. More likely, the drum fish experienced a population boom over the summer, and then, as the fish were competing for food, a cold snap hit, further distressing an already vulnerable population.

Mass Extinction is happening now 
Ecologists have unveiled strong evidence that huge numbers of the world's species are disappearing. A survey of British wildlife suggests that insects - thought to be among the most resilient species - are suffering similar extinction rates to larger, better-studied animals.
If the same is happening worldwide, we may be witnessing the largest die-off since the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs, says Jeremy Thomas of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Dorset, UK, who led the study in this week's Science1.
Thomas's team analysed surveys of British birds, plants and butterflies stretching back 40 years. The statistics, collected by 20,000 amateur naturalists, form an unprecedented census of insects. "No dataset approaches this detail and scale anywhere in the world," Thomas says.
The researchers divided Britain into 10-kilometre squares and counted the number of squares occupied by each species. Of 58 butterfly species, 71% have declined or disappeared over the past 20 years, alongside 54% of birds. The past 40 years has seen declines in 28% of plants studied.
Experts had assumed that the sheer number of insects would safeguard them against mass extinction. "The gloomy result is that this group has declined massively," says Thomas. As insects comprise more than 50% of the planet's species, a large die-off would be bad news for global diversity, he adds.
The sixth extinction?
"This study provides further evidence that the world is facing another major extinction crisis," warns Michael Rands, director of UK conservation group Bird Life International.
There have been five such events since the birth of multicellular life 600 million years ago. In each, 65-95% of the world's species died out. No one is claiming that current species loss has reached this rate, Thomas concedes. "But it's accelerating," he warns. "If nothing is done, we're going lose a lot more species."
Thomas and his team attribute the British trend to habitat loss. Across the world, Thomas says, habitat preservation will be the first line of defence against species loss.
A second study in Science2 shows that another reason for species decline, in Britain at least, is nitrogen pollution. A team led by Carly Stevens of the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, examined 68 grasslands around the British Isles and found that higher nitrogen pollution means fewer species.
Soils in Britain and Central Europe receive an average of 17 kilograms of nitrogen compounds per hectare per year, mostly from fossil-fuel burning and intensive livestock farming. This pollution could kill 20% of grassland species, Stevens warns.
We need to act now to reduce this, says Stevens. Once biodiversity begins to decline, it is very difficult to prevent it crashing, she says: "If you keep taking enough bricks out of the wall, the wall's going to fall down."

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